Photographer, mother, visionary

Through my work
I bring beauty the world


Photographer, Mother, Visionary

Through my work
I bring beauty the world

I was born in southern Germany and am the mother to my wonderful daughter, Ava Greta.
I studied photography, worked as a photo producer in the advertising industry, helped set up a carpet business in Berlin as a solo mother, and then followed my inner call to work as a photographer – a dream that I had since I was thirteen years old.

All of my previous experiences come together in the Mothers of the Earth Initiative.

Through my experience as a producer, I know how to handle large budgets and productions.
With my tireless will and commitment, I made the impossible possible.

With the same will, I am now approaching my great vision of making the Mothers of the Earth visible and audible again – only now with the awakened heart of a mother.

Now I work for the Great Mother, now it’s about life, not a product.
Now it’s about holiness, calm, flow, trust, intuition…a space beyond stress and profit maximization.

The maternal space is a space of stillness, abundance and connection. I want to strengthen this space.

Recognizing the sanctity of life is what my artwork is all about.
I guide mothers to recognize their true greatness and return to a place where life feels abundant and authentic. A return to the source.
We mothers are the guardians of life. My work inspires us to become aware of this purpose again and to fulfill it responsibly.
Mothers of the Earth is part of my maturing process as a mother.

For me, being a healthy mother is about orienting myself outside of the profit and consumer society and instead getting support and individual life orientation from within.
For me, it involves reconnecting with the cycle of life, of becoming and fading away.
More and more mothers are giving birth autonomously and in liberty, leaving their children in the protective space of the family so that they can grow at their own pace.
And that is exactly what “Mothers of the Earth” is about.

Each YES to ourselves, our children and to our integrity, changes the World for the better.

My personal traumatic birth experience opened my eyes to how disconnected I was from my original strength and wisdom and how little I really knew about birth as an initiation.
Far too many mothers feel the same way.
The doorway to handmade photography then opened for me, and after many years of learning and taking courage, I’m now an “analog” semi-nomad living in the beautiful Allgaeu region of Germany, often traveling with my old lady camera and my mobile darkroom to witness the Mothers of the Earth

With my work, I aim at reviving the faded image of the mother that has been established in modern society.

With “Mothers of the Earth” I want to ignite the fire of mothers again.I aim to anchor love in the world.
Because that’s the power of the mother. It lives inside us.

She beholds the power to impact the course of life from the very beginning and throughout all dimensions.

I am on a mission to bring the Mothers of the Earth back to their rightful place:
To the center of our communities.
Because that is where all life begins.

Will you join me?

Have a listen to my latest interview here

It would be my honor to witness you.